
2210569 – Obsolete Material inventory management transactions


The following transactions for entering and displaying goods movements (material documents) – called "MB transactions" – below, have been replaced by the single-screen generalized transaction MIGO or the BAPI's BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE and BAPI_GOODSMVT_CANCEL:

MB01, MB02, MB03, MB04, MB05, MB0A, MB11, MB1A, MB1B, MB1C, MB31, MBNL, MBRL, MBSF, MBSL, MBST, MBSU and MBBM

The transaction MMBE_OLD has been replaced by transaction MMBE. Alternatively there is also the Fiori App Stock Overview

These transaction do still exist as transaction codes but calling these transaction codes from the menu has the consequence that an error message is raised.

文中明确指出了T-code: MB01, MB02, MB03, MB04, MB05, MB0A, MB11, MB1A, MB1B, MB1C, MB31, MBNL, MBRL, MBSF, MBSL, MBST, MBSU and MBBM 已经弃用。

可以使用T-code :MIGO


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